Running Panhandler

The recommended way to run panhandler is to pull and run the docker container.

Running the Panhandler Docker Container

To get the latest version of panhandler as a docker container.

Using a standard web port

docker run -t -p 80:80 paloaltonetworks/panhandler

Then access the UI via http://localhost:80

The default username and password is: paloalto and panhandler

Using an alternate TCP port

If port 80 is unavailable, you can switch to a different port. This example uses port 9999.

docker run -t -p 9999:80 paloaltonetworks/panhandler

Then access the UI via http://localhost:9999

To persist any environments and secrets, you can mount a volume on the /root/.pan_cnc folder like this:

docker run -t -p 9999:80 -v ~/.pan_cnc:/root/.pan_cnc paloaltonetworks/panhandler


The -t option for terminal allows you to view panhandler output data in the terminal window. This is useful for determining any skillets errors that write to terminal output.

Stopping the docker container

The docker container runs in the background. You can stop the container by using its container ID.

docker ps
docker stop { CONTAINER ID }


If you need to remove the container, enter docker rm { CONTAINER ID } with CONTAINER ID as the ID used to stop. You must stop the container before deleting.

Building Panhandler

If you want to build panhandler from source (which is not recommended). You will need to update the git submodules, install the pip python requirements for both the app and also CNC, create the local db, and create a local user.

git clone
cd panhandler
git submodule init
git submodule update
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r cnc/requirements.txt
./cnc/ migrate
./cnc/ shell -c "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser('paloalto', '', 'panhandler')"

Running Panhandler manually

To start the application on your local machine on port 80:

cd panhandler/cnc
celery -A pan_cnc worker --loglevel=info runserver 80

To use a different port, supply a different argument to the runserver command above. In this case, the server will start up on port 80. Browse to http://localhost in a web browser to begin. The default login credentials are ‘paloalto’ and ‘panhandler’


Panhandler has been tested to work on Docker version: 18.09.1 (Mac) and 18.09.0 (Linux). Please ensure you have the latest docker version installed for the best results.