Switching between Latest and Develop Containers

PanHandler runs in a Docker container, the main build tagged as ‘latest’.

There is also a develop branch with new features and updates. Although not the recommended release, some users may want to work with develop and explore new features. Some skillets being developed may also be dependent on newer features.

Updating the Running Latest Version

This script will install or update to the latest ‘dev’ image for Panhandler. This is recommended for developers or power-users who understand this code may be unstable and not all features may work all the time.

curl -s -k -L http://bit.ly/34kXVEn  | bash

The following bash script can be copy-pasted into the terminal to stop the PanHandler process, pull the latest, and run again. The example uses port 9999 for web access.

export PANHANDLER_IMAGE=paloaltonetworks/panhandler
export PANHANDLER_ID=$(docker ps | grep $PANHANDLER_IMAGE | awk '{ print $1 }')
docker stop $PANHANDLER_ID
docker rm -f $PANHANDLER_ID
docker run -t -p 9999:80 -t -v $HOME/.pan_cnc:/home/cnc_user/.pan_cnc $PANHANDLER_IMAGE

Updating the Running Develop Version

The following bash script can be copy-pasted into the terminal to stop the PanHandler process, pull the develop version, and run again. The example uses port 9999 for web access.

export PANHANDLER_IMAGE=paloaltonetworks/panhandler:dev
export PANHANDLER_ID=$(docker ps | grep $PANHANDLER_IMAGE | awk '{ print $1 }')
docker stop $PANHANDLER_ID
docker rm -f $PANHANDLER_ID
docker run -t -p 9999:80 -t -v $HOME/.pan_cnc:/home/cnc_user/.pan_cnc $PANHANDLER_IMAGE_D

Switching from Latest to Develop

These commands still stop the latest main release version then pull down and run the latest develop version. The latest release container will be deleted.

export PANHANDLER_IMAGE_M=paloaltonetworks/panhandler
export PANHANDLER_IMAGE_D=paloaltonetworks/panhandler:dev
export PANHANDLER_ID=$(docker ps | grep $PANHANDLER_IMAGE_M | awk '{ print $1 }')
docker stop $PANHANDLER_ID
docker rm -f $PANHANDLER_ID
docker run -t -p 9999:80 -t -v $HOME/.pan_cnc:/home/cnc_user/.pan_cnc $PANHANDLER_IMAGE_D

Switching from Develop to Latest

These commands still stop the develop version then pull down and run the latest main release version. The develop version container will be deleted.

export PANHANDLER_IMAGE_M=paloaltonetworks/panhandler
export PANHANDLER_IMAGE_D=paloaltonetworks/panhandler:dev
export PANHANDLER_ID=$(docker ps | grep $PANHANDLER_IMAGE_D | awk '{ print $1 }')
docker stop $PANHANDLER_ID
docker rm -f $PANHANDLER_ID
docker run -t -p 9999:80 -t -v $HOME/.pan_cnc:/home/cnc_user/.pan_cnc $PANHANDLER_IMAGE_M

When switching between dev and latest clear the cache with the following link:
